The Guide

The Guide

Museum of Northern Arizona Shops

  • $15.00

Author: Anne O'Brien

Publication Date: 2019 

“The Museum of Northern Arizona has been exploring, studying, and singing the praises of the unique natural and cultural resources of the Colorado Plateau since 1928. The exhibitions on view can never fully convey the incredible history of the place, the vastness of the campus, the important of the research and the quality of collections. This guide was created to provide a glimpse into the breadth and abundance of the Museum’s pioneering work.” - Anne O’Brien, author  

The Guide to the Museum of Northern Arizona provides a comprehensive, overview of the mission, history, and programs of this national award – winning Southwestern scientific and cultural institution. The book highlights the remarkable exhibits, collections, and research programs of this inspired and celebrated museum and the Colorado Plateau region that it interprets.” - Robert G. Breunig, Ph.D., President Emeritus  

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