Ancient Landscapes of the Colorado Plateau 2nd Edition
Authors: Ron Blakey and Wayne Ranney
Details: 156 pages
From the Publisher: The Colorado Plateau is one of the world's great showplaces of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock. The plateau's rocky landscapes are home to the greatest concentration of national parks and monuments in the world. Ancient Landscapes of the Colorado Plateau highlights the plateau's magnificent present through unique views of its fascinating past. It is a groundbreaking book featuring the geology of the American Southwest in a way you've never seen it before.
This landmark book features: More than 70 state-of-the-art paleogeographic maps of the region and of the world, developed over many years of geologic research More than 100 full-color photographs, diagrams, and illustrations A detailed guide of where to go to see the spectacular rocks of the region