Plateau: Wilderness Areas of the Colorado Plateau
Title: Wilderness Areas of the Colorado Plateau (Plateau Magazine, Vol 60/4)
Author: Stewart Aitchison
Publication Date: 1989
"The huge diversity of the wildlife in the West is demonstrated by Stewart Aitchison through the articles found in this issue. "What is Wilderness?" As stated in the Wilderness Act, the legislated wilderness is a place "where earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain." "Wilderness Saved: Designated Wilderness Areas" Since the 1964 enactment of the Wilderness Act, the U.S. Forest Service and the National Park Service have examined the lands under each of their respective jurisdictions and made recommendations for designated wilderness. "Disappearing Wildlands: Proposed Wilderness Areas" How would it feel to be floating along the river in the middle of nowhere and suddenly a sign that reads "Approaching Sand Wash, Historic Marker 1000 feet ahead on Right Bank?" More and more frequently wilderness areas are being invaded by manmade things. "The Future of Wildlands" We are lucky that wilderness exists, but what about our children, and their children? Will they have wild country to grow up in-places to make their own discoveries about the natural world and themselves?"